8 January 2015 / #almonte #celtfest Without a leader, Almonte Celtfest may shut down(This note was distributed this week via email from the Almonte Celtfest. )They say that all good things must come to an end, and it seems that the same can be said for Almonte Celtfest. After 18 wonderful festivals, it does not appear possible to organize the 19th version.We have a large and enthusiastic group of new very capable volunteers on the organizing committee this year, an employee available to do much of the day-to-day tasks, but no leadership. We have no Festival Chair or Artistic Committee Chair.We DO have leadership and volunteers for Vendors, Promotions and Publicity, Volunteers, Site, Finances, Fundraising, Administration and Employee Supervision! We also have some great volunteers for the Artistic Committee. We are also in need of a webmaster able to manage our wordpress-based website.With no person at the head to lead our Festival, and no one prepared to choose and contract the acts, we can not continue.We will meet on Monday, January 12, 2015 at the Almonte Old Town Hall to close the festival. If you think you are able to step into one of the key roles, please let us know before or during the meeting.You can contact us through email: almonteceltfest@hotmail.com telephone: 613-256-3576 for this matter