What Ottawa was obsessed with in 2019 (a year-end list)
Ottawa was obsessed with trains in 2019.
In 2019, Ottawa was obsessed with transit. We went into 2019 knowing the Confederation Line project was not going well and that it would be late. But who knew things would wind up the way they did? Ottawa was also focused on buses, with the transit challenge in February and discussions on the whole OC Transpo system through the year. To that end, Ottawa was also obsessed with the old route 95 and we said farewell with a glisten in our eyes.
Ottawa was obsessed with placemaking. We said goodbye to some old places and talked about how to make new places. We made some favourites better in a small way, if not for a short while. We also thought about places of the future, and how to get to them. We also talked about where we could do better. In fact, Ottawa was pretty obsessed with change and growth in different ways. We celebrated one million residents. We also celebrated our neighbours in being open about who they are. We approached problems with solutions and made decisions about our future city. Although sometimes it’s OK not to look too far into the future…
Ottawa was obsessed with Eugene Melnyk and the Senators. So too, apparently, were the writers of a popular TV show. There were some other antics, as well. Of course, Melnyk was not the only nominee for clown of the year.
Ottawa was obsessed with the Rideau McDonalds. Enough said. We were also obsessed with bakeries and coffee shops.
Ottawa was obsessed with weather and natural events. We had a record-breaking snowstorm, a tornado and a round of spring flooding.
For better or for worse, 2019 was a heck of a year. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2020!
As for our annual prediction for the year to come… we predict that, in 2020, Mayor Jim Watson will finally pursue his lifelong dream of becoming a magician. (Abracadabra, cut this ribbon!)
All the best for 2020!
(For a look back at the 2010s, visit the Ottawa Citizen. Their article series “newsmakers of the decade” has recounted many of the defining stories in Ottawa over the past 10 years.)