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There are too many geese, and they are pooping all over the place

A Canada goose sits on poop-ridden grass in Andrew Haydon Park, with its reflection appearing in the pond. (Public Domain photo by Devyn Barrie)

It’s getting a lot harder to not accidentally step in something gross this summer. I came across this interesting fact on Bay Ward councillor Theresa Kavanagh’s blog: there are a lot more geese in Ottawa this year, and that’s why many waterside parks and pathways have recently become minefields.

Via Kavanagh:

The City is aware that the goose population is higher this year, not just in Bay Ward, but across the entire City of Ottawa with focus on Mooney’s Bay and other parks that are especially located near open water.  It is more related to milder climate and favourable conditions to stay in the area. While Canada geese are a national symbol, the animals can cause a lot of problems for the cities they reside in, leaving staff to find solutions to mitigate their populations. According to the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) there are over seven million Canada geese living in North America.

Due to milder temperatures many resident geese choose to stay put for the winter season and have stopped migrating to breed and instead stay in the same place throughout the year. Some of the things that the City has established to help deter or mitigate the presence of geese in our parks are; using the tactics of egg management, coyote decoys, and pathway cleaning/maintenance. The programs do not allow for lethal interventions directed towards any hatched/living goose.

Read more on baywardbulletin.ca…


Devyn Barrie

Devyn Barrie is the publisher and editor of OttawaStart.com. He currently studies math and physics at the University of Ottawa, and holds a diploma in journalism from Algonquin College.