14 August 2010 / #twitter The Saturday Round-Up: 15 items from this weekFifteen cool/interesting/useful items from the past week. There will be a quiz. 1. We checked out the [ Perseid meteor shower ](http://ottawastart.com/cool-time-lapse-video-of-perseid-meteor-shower-taken-at-meech-lake/) . 2. Lots of great suggestions from Twitter readers and blog readers for [ Ottawa's best pizza ](http://ottawastart.com/candidates-for-ottawas-best-pizza/) . 3. I suggested that we rename Carling Avenue " [ Egg Roll Avenue ](http://ottawastart.com/ottawas-best-eggrolls-besides-golden-palace/) ". 4. Don't go quitting your day job, but you can get paid for [ portraying Captain Morgan ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/statuses/20903592783) . 5. OC Transpo [ had a rough week ](http://twitter.com/ihateoctranspo) . 6. PM Stephen Harper [ played ping pong ](http://www.michaelbuble.com/media/photos) with Michael Buble. 7. CBC weatherman [ Ian Black ](http://twitter.com/blacksweather) says we have already received more rain this month than what would be normal for the entire month. 8. Joke: [ City approves gateway arch for Westboro ](http://ottawastart.com/fake-friday-city-approves-gateway-arch-for-westboro/) 9. No joke: New [ soccer statue gateway ](http://blogs.canoe.ca/cityhall/general/soccer-statues/) on Preston Street. 10. Cool [ graffiti wall ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/20666512569) at the Ottawa Mission. 11. Ikea has a great sale on [ meatballs ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/20668655094) . 12. There are a surprisingly high number of [ yellow houses ](http://centretown.blogspot.com/2010/08/more-yellow.html) downtown. 13. A Gatineau McDonald's burned down and for the most part we [ refrained ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/21030366423) from snarky comments. 14. Possibly for the first time in Ottawa history, [ puppets cause a traffic jam ](http://twitter.com/jennyjag/status/20651869326) . 15. And finally, the Ottawa Citizen has appointed Glen McGregor as their " [ Social Media Editor ](http://twitter.com/glen_mcgregor/status/20998859717) ".