#news #construction #strandherd #transportationSummer construction update on Strandherd Drive wideningPhoto: Culvert work as part of the Strandherd Drive widening project. Below is a summary of the work that was recently completed, as well as the work that is currently underway: New sewers are now complete from Dealership Drive to the Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Facility. ...
#news #transportationCOMMENT: Cause for optimism over Ottawa’s move to electric busesPhoto: Mayor Jim Watson announces an electric bus pilot project in December, 2020. (Photo via Jim Watson/Twitter) Moving Ottawa to zero-emission, battery-powered buses will be a net positive change for our city and its transit system, resulting in cleaner air, lower operating costs and a more modern city. ...
#news #transit #transportationOC Transpo moves ahead with permanent driver shields on busesPhoto: One of OC Transpo’s new operator barriers. Via Allan Hubley on Twitter. OC Transpo has made the move to permanently install protective barriers for drivers across its entire bus fleet. The barriers have been installed on 12 buses since 2019 as part of a test. ...
#news #transportation #lrtQueensway on-ramp at Pinecrest to close until November for LRT stage 2 constructionPhoto: An artistic representation of the Pinecrest Station design. (Ottawa.ca) The on-ramp from Pinecrest Road northbound to Highway 417 westbound will close for Stage 2 LRT work starting at midnight on Monday, March 1. It will remain closed until November. Signed detours will be in place through the duration of construction. ...
#news #transportation #LRTGround broken for the cut-and-cover LRT tunnel along SirJAMPhoto: A look at how the second stage of LRT will traverse the west end. Politicians held a socially-distanced groundbreaking late last week on the cut-and-cover LRT tunnel for the Line 1 expansion west. Here’s some more info via the city: ...
#news #cycling #transportationCity council approves MUPs for Bank Street Bridge“The White Bridge”, photo of the Bank Street Bridge by Alain Villeneuve, via the OttawaStart Flickr Group. (Via Bike Ottawa) Today City Council voted in favour of improving the Bank Street Bridge for people who ride bikes, walk, and roll. Council voted in favour of reducing the number of car lanes from four to three, and widening and converting the sidewalks into two-way multi-use paths on either side of the bridge. ...
#news #transportation #transit #oc transpoCredit card payment option coming to OC Transpo“New Flyer” Photo by Justin S. Campbell, via Flickr. (Used under a Creative Commons License.) OC Transpo is pleased to announce a new agreement with Scheidt & Bachmann (S&B) to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on its bus fleet and at O-Train stations with fare gates. ...
#news #transportation #transitWeigh in on the proposed names for future stage 2 LRT stationsPhoto: An earlier version of the current and future O-Train system map. New station names have been proposed for the Stage 2 expansion. (Via OC Transpo) OC Transpo has launched a public consultation to select the names for the 24 new stations that are part of the Stage 2 O-Train expansion and wants to hear from you! ...
#news #rideau street #transportationPHOTOS: Rideau Street reconstruction project continuesA look at the future Rideau Street. (City of Ottawa) Construction is continuing on the renewal project for Rideau Street, between Sussex Drive and Dalhousie Street. This project includes renewal of the streetscape, and refreshed transportation elements. Among the new features that will be coming to the stretch of Rideau: LED street lighting, bike parking, cycling facilities, and greenery. ...
#news #lrt #transit #transportationCity wants to know how you'll get to your local LRT station post-Stage 2A concept drawing of Dominion Station, coming in the second stage of LRT construction. (LRT Stage 2 Project) The City of Ottawa wants to know how you plan to get to your Stage 2 Confederation Line West station. The Stage 2 Confederation Line West extension will enhance and encourage active transportation through the creation of new pedestrian and cycling facilities, such as: ...