#Accessibility #Accessibility Plan #surveySurvey results will contribute to renewed Accessibility PlanThe City of Ottawa is updating its multi-year Accessibility Plan and is encouraging residents to provide input into the plan through a survey available on the City’s website, ottawa.ca . Residents have until November 27 to complete the survey and share their innovative ideas on how City programs, services and infrastructure can be made more accessible and responsive to diverse communities. ...
#customer feedback #oc transpo #survey #transit2014 Transit Services Customer Survey: Customers view OC Transpo as safe and secureHighlights of the 2014 Transit Services Customer Survey were released today. Once again, results are demonstrating that OC Transpo is making progress on providing service excellence to its customers. The annual survey continues to provide valuable insight into how our customers feel about our service; they identify areas where we are meeting their expectations, and suggest areas where OC Transpo can improve. ...