#eLearning #RMA #Rutherford McKay Associates #schools #science

Scientists unmuzzled: What comes next, confusion or clarity?

An Ottawa science communication company is working with newly “unmuzzled” federal scientists to help them to present and explain their work in a way that the average person can understand and appreciate.  “Being given the opportunity to speak more often about your work is great,” says RMA principal John McKay, “But if a scientific or technical expert can’t do it a way that is clear, understandable and interesting to you or me, what’s the point? ...


Visit the Library at Maker Faire® Ottawa!

Are you attending Maker Faire® Ottawa, taking place November 7 and 8 at the Aberdeen Pavilion at Lansdowne Park? The Ottawa Public Library will be presenting two events you won’t want to miss! LEGO ® Robotics: Sue Considine, from the Fayetteville Free Library in New York, talks about LEGO® Robotics and Girls STEM Camps, programming that has contributed to FFL’s reputation as a leader in informal, community based STEM Learning and Making. ...