#ryanChristopher Ryan: Ponderosa, Ottawa's steakhouse bonanza_ A weekly feature from Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. _ [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/01-1973-07-16-St-Laurent-Page-20.jpg) Ottawa Journal, July 16, 1973 Broadcast from 1959 to 1973, Bonanza is the second-longest running prime-time western television series and the fourth-longest running prime-time series on American television. ...
#parks #ryanChristopher Ryan: Dundonald: A park by any other name (Part 2)_ A weekly feature from Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. _ [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/01-Dundonald-DOI-.jpg) Dundonald Park, 1920s (Source: Library and Archives Canada/Department of the Interior (PA-034336) [ ! ...
#downtown #parks #ryanChristopher Ryan: Dundonald: A park by any other name (Part 1)_ A weekly feature from Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. _ [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/01-Dundonald-Sign-2013-.jpg) Somerset entrance to Dundonald Park (June 2013) Although Centretown cannot be characterized as a neighbourhood that is stuffed with green space, it is blessed with two well-used historic parks (among a number of others), roughly equidistant from either side of Bank Street. ...
#beer #ryanChristopher Ryan: Brewer's Retail - slaking Centretown's thirst_ A weekly feature from Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. _ [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/01.jpg) Beer Store Detail. Photo by Christopher Ryan. [ ](http://ottawastart. ...
#construction #hotels #ryan"Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE"Lots of history posts on our blog this week! Here’s an old newspaper ad from the Ottawa Journal on December 2, 1940. Hat tip to Christopher Ryan for digging this up! [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/BVCtEYWCEAEC3EO.jpg) CITIZENS OF OTTAWA TAKE NOTE: Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE. ...
#beer #buildings & architecture #ryanPHOTO: Midcentury Liquor-Control.[ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/lcbo.png) I really like this photo of the LCBO warehouse on Bank Street near Walkley. Photographer Christopher Ryan researched a bit of history too: Ottawa's shiny new warehouse for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario opened at the end of April 1959. ...