#news #cycling #transportationCity council approves MUPs for Bank Street Bridge“The White Bridge”, photo of the Bank Street Bridge by Alain Villeneuve, via the OttawaStart Flickr Group. (Via Bike Ottawa) Today City Council voted in favour of improving the Bank Street Bridge for people who ride bikes, walk, and roll. Council voted in favour of reducing the number of car lanes from four to three, and widening and converting the sidewalks into two-way multi-use paths on either side of the bridge. ...
#news #museumsA new perspective on planet Earth: Giant globe called Gaia suspended in Canadian Museum of Nature(Via Canadian Museum of Nature). An awe-inspiring huge planet Earth is “floating” high in the Atrium of the Canadian Museum of Nature. Appearing in Canada for the first time, the inflated globe called Gaia is one of the latest, captivating sculptures by British artist Luke Jerram. ...
#newsGatineau Park Master Plan review: last online consultation until September 20Gatineau Park’s Meech Lake, Chelsea Que. Photo by _vee_ via the OttawaStart Flickr pool. (Via NCC) The National Capital Commission (NCC) invites the public to share their comments on the draft of the new Gatineau Park Master Plan. This online consultation will be available until September 20. ...
#news #transportation #transit #oc transpoCredit card payment option coming to OC Transpo“New Flyer” Photo by Justin S. Campbell, via Flickr. (Used under a Creative Commons License.) OC Transpo is pleased to announce a new agreement with Scheidt & Bachmann (S&B) to fast track additional contactless fare payment technology on its bus fleet and at O-Train stations with fare gates. ...
#news #artsSchool of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa features graduating students' work in new exhibitPhoto by one of SPAO’s exhibiting graduates, Stephane Alexis (Via School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa) While the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has impacted arts and culture on a global scale, the School of the Photographic Arts: Ottawa has defied the odds to deliver Exhibition No. ...
#news #kanata #jobsMetro opens new store in Kanata with free drive-in movies and $5,000 donation to food cupboard(Via Metro) Kanata residents are being treated to a one-of-a-kind movie experience with one of the largest concessions stands possible - a Metro grocery store. To mark the opening weekend of its newest store on Eagleson Road, Kanata, ON, Metro is transforming the parking lot into a drive-in movie occasion for the community to enjoy for free. ...
#news #spring #GLAD Cleaning the CapitalEarly registration for GLAD Cleaning the Capital 2020 has begunPhoto: “Piscenlit - Common Dandelion”, by Eric Galton via the OttawaStart Flickr Pool. After a springtime hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Ottawa’s 2020 GLAD Cleaning the Capital Program returns for the fall campaign, from September 15 to October 15. ...
#news #transportation #transitWeigh in on the proposed names for future stage 2 LRT stationsPhoto: An earlier version of the current and future O-Train system map. New station names have been proposed for the Stage 2 expansion. (Via OC Transpo) OC Transpo has launched a public consultation to select the names for the 24 new stations that are part of the Stage 2 O-Train expansion and wants to hear from you! ...
#news #museums #activities #coronavirusCanadian Museum of Nature's 3D, 360-degree online tour goes live(Via the Canadian Museum of Nature) The Canadian Museum of Nature and all its main galleries can now be explored virtually through a stunning 360-tour in 3D. The experience can be accessed at nature.ca/360e. The high-definition videography that takes users through the museum was stitched together from about 80,000 images taken by a 360-degree camera. ...
#news #museums #coronavirusCity to reopen its museums and historic sites starting August 5The City will reopen its museums and historic sites starting August 5 – with COVID-safety protocols in place to allow residents to safely explore our local history. Visitors are asked to book their visit online at ottawa.ca/museums by 4 pm one day prior to their planned visit. ...