#news #libraryOttawa Public Library to allow in-person browsing, public computer use at 25 branches(Via Ottawa Public Library) Starting Monday, February 22, twenty-five of the 28 open Ottawa Public Library branches will welcome customers inside for returns and holds pick up, with additional services,such as browsing and use of public computers. Due to provincial regulations, branch capacity will be limited, and masks must be worn both inside the branches and in lineups outside. ...
#news #history #heritageLINKED: "What's happening at Bradley-Craig farm?"Photo: Stittsville’s Bradley-Craig barn in February 2021 with front doors removed in preparation for foundation restoration work being completed by Richcraft Homes. Photo via Kerry Reimer. The fine folks over at StittsvilleCentral.ca have an interesting piece up for anyone interested in Ottawa history/heritage buildings. ...
#newsOC Transpo pilots credit card fare payment at Trillium Line's Rideau StationOC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train Line 1’s Rideau Station. One gate on the west side of the station has been set up to accept Visa and Mastercard, as well as smart phones and watches that use Apple Pay or Google Pay loaded with Visa or Mastercard. ...
#news #transportation #lrtQueensway on-ramp at Pinecrest to close until November for LRT stage 2 constructionPhoto: An artistic representation of the Pinecrest Station design. (Ottawa.ca) The on-ramp from Pinecrest Road northbound to Highway 417 westbound will close for Stage 2 LRT work starting at midnight on Monday, March 1. It will remain closed until November. Signed detours will be in place through the duration of construction. ...
#news #coronavirusOttawa enters "Orange Zone" statusOttawa on Tuesday transitioned from the provincial shutdown order imposed in early January, to a new status of “Orange-Restricted”. That means nonessential business, such as in-person retail and dining at restaurants, may re-open. Examples of other services that may re-open include gyms, museums, and cinemas. ...
#newsCity committee clears Château Laurier additionRendering of the latest design for the Château Laurier addition, which was approved at the city’s planning committee on Feb. 5, 2021. Five years since “CHÂTEAU L’HORREUR”, the proposed modern addition to the classic hotel has finally gained approval at the City of Ottawa’s planning committee. ...
#news #planningOPINION: City approval for Kanata development a good step forwardRendered view of the proposed development at 33 Maple Grove Rd. in Kanata. (Via Lara McKendrick Architecture Inc.) I was glad to see general support from city councillors for a proposed pair of apartment buildings in Kanata, at 33 Maple Grove Rd. ...
#news #tobogganingCOVID concerns motivate tobogganing ban at Mooney's BayThe city has temporarily banned tobogganing at Mooney’s Bay hill. The ban was announced on Friday, January 22, and will be enforced with by-law patrols. According to a city news release, the reason is due to the hill attracting large crowds, “numbering in the hundreds”, that do not comply with rules that limit sledding hill capacity to 25 people. ...
#news #COVID-19City implements 25-person limit at rinks and sledding hills, reservations required for refrigerated rinksOttawa’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Vera Etches, has issued an order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to restrict the number of people at skating rinks and sledding hills to 25 at one time – ensuring physical distancing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. ...
#news #cannabisNew cannabis stores coming to Barrhaven and KanataCanopy Growth is opening two new locations of its Tokyo Smoke cannabis stores in Ottawa. One of the stores is located at 80 Marketplace Avenue in Barrhaven and opens on Monday, January 11. The other is at A18-300 Earl Grey Dr. ...