#lrt #nccOttawa’s western light rail transit corridor: National Capital Commission proposes Rochester Field optionFollowing its Board meeting this week, the National Capital Commission (NCC) has requested that the City of Ottawa include the Rochester Field–Richmond Road alignment in its ongoing environmental assessment study for the building of Phase 2 of the western light rail transit corridor. ...
#Federal Government #Hospital #nccGovernment of Canada facilitating planning of a new world-class campus of The Ottawa HospitalToday, John Baird, Member of Parliament for Ottawa West–Nepean and Minister responsible for the National Capital Commission (NCC); Dr. Mark Kristmanson, Chief Executive Officer of the NCC; and Dr. Jack Kitts, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Ottawa Hospital, announced that the Government of Canada has taken the first steps toward securing land for a new Civic Hospital campus. ...
#ncc #politics #simpsonRose Simpson: Who needs the National Crapital Commission, anyway?_ Rose Simpson’s column appears every Tuesday morning on the OttawaStart Blog. She also blogs at Rose’s Cantina . _ One of the great things about municipal governments is that, generally, they get things done smoothly and in consultation with the residents who elect them. ...
#downtown #fireworks #ncc #new year's eve #parliament hill #tourismWe just might have New Year's Eve fireworks next year on Parliament HillWere you one of the few hundred people who stood around on Parliament Hill waiting for fireworks on New Year’s Eve , only to head home disappointed? Well there’s hope for next time, maybe. From an article in today’s Ottawa Citizen : ...
#ncc #videoThe NCC has a video channelI recently came across the NCC’s YouTube channel. Over 40 videos uploaded so far, lots from Winterlude and also a videos from the Barenaked Ladies and NCC Chair Marie Lemay inviting visitors to Canada Day. I liked this colourful piece about PAPA , a new art installation in Gatineau. ...
#city hall #ncc #snow #tobogganToboggan hills officially openTwo press releases caught our eye last week: * First, from the City of Ottawa: [ City’s approved sledding hills open ](http://www.ottawastart.com/story/7080.php) * Second, from the National Capital Commission: [ NCC’S TOBOGGAN HILLS IN THE GREENBELT ARE NOW OPEN ](http://www. ...
#ncc #rideau canal #winterludeWinter is on the way[ NCC to Install Rideau Canal Skateway Chalets this Saturday ](http://www.ottawastart.com/story/6879.php) ** Related: ** Ottawa Winterlude Guide
#ncc #parks #pedestriansConfederation Park, pathways, and the NCCA fun post on the ELgiN StreEt iRREguLars blog , about how pesky pedestrians are walking the shortest route from A to B, instead of following the pathway the NCC would like them to take. A sample: ** ** ...
#bike #nccWhat should we name the Rideau Canal pedestrian bridge?Do you have any ideas for a name for the Rideau Canal pedestrian bridge? Recent reports say “Nelson Mandela Bridge” and “Corktown Bridge” (recognizing Ottawa’s Irish heritage) are in the running. There’s an online petition for the Corktown name , with 500 signatures so far. ...