#capital urbanism lab #lecture #nccNCC launches Capital Urbanism Lab program for 2015–2016The National Capital Commission (NCC) presented its Capital Urbanism Lab lecture series for the coming year at its public board of directors meeting today. The Capital Urbanism Lab was launched in 2014 as a pop-up space to foster dialogue among members of the public, community leaders, experts and students on topics related to the planning and stewardship of the Capital. ...
#activities #entertainment #lansdowne #ncc #oc transpo #transitLots to do at Lansdowne this SundayLansdowne will be the site of many fun-filled activities this Sunday, August 30, a few of which include the Ottawa REDBLACKS game, the Ottawa Craft Beer Festival, the Ottawa Farmers Market and Big Joe’s birthday party. Residents are encouraged to come early and enjoy the various activities. ...
#construction #lane reduction #ncc #trafficTemporary Lane Reduction on Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway, Starting August 24On Monday, August 24, and continuing until October 2, from 9 am to 3 pm, a 100-metre section of the westbound lane of the ** Sir George-Étienne Cartier ** ** ** ** Parkway ** will be temporarily reduced at Hillsdale Road on a periodic basis. ...
#construction #lane closure #ncc #trafficTemporary Lane Closure on a Section of Queen Elizabeth Driveway on Tuesday July 7, 2015On Tuesday, July 7, from 9 am to 3 pm, motorists using the Queen Elizabeth Driveway will experience a partial closure of the northbound lane between Somerset Street and Gilmour Street. This closure is required to permit maintenance work. The southbound lane will remain open to traffic in both directions and flaggers will be present to direct traffic. ...
#Memorial #ncc #Victims of Communism MemorialNCC provides update on design of Memorial to the Victims of CommunismThe National Capital Commission (NCC) Board of Directors received an update today on the design of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism. Subsequently, the Board gave federal land use approval for the decontamination of the site. Following recommendations by the National Capital Commission’s Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty (ACPDR) and NCC planning and design experts, the Department of Canadian Heritage and ABSTRAKT Studio Architecture implemented a number of important changes to the design of the memorial. ...
#Canadian War Museum #commemoration #Confederation Square #Military commemoration plan #ncc #parliament hillMilitary Commemoration Plan for Canada’s Capital will proceed to public consultationThe Board of Directors of the National Capital Commission (NCC) agreed to proceed to public consultation on a Military Commemoration Plan for Canada’s Capital. The plan will now be made available to key stakeholders and the public before final approval in the fall of 2015. ...
#construction #lane reduction #ncc #trafficTemporary Lane Reduction on Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway, Starting June 25On Thursday, June 25, from 9 am to 3 pm, and continuing until July 24, a 100-metre section of the westbound lane of the Sir George-Étienne Cartier Parkway will be temporarily reduced at Hillsdale Road on a periodic basis. This localized closure is required to undertake an inspection of the underground gas pipeline. ...
#Canada Day 150 #ncc #Strutt HouseNew Life for Strutt HouseStrutt House to be restored in time for 150th anniversary of Confederation celebrations The National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Strutt Foundation announced their partnership to protect and preserve the Strutt House, a unique 20th century architectural treasure located in Gatineau Park. ...
#bridge #construction #hog's back #lane closure #MTO #ncc #trafficHog’s Back Road closed for emergency bridge repairsOn Monday, June 22, at 9 a.m., Hog’s Back Road will be closed to all traffic between Colonel By Drive and Prince of Wales Drive to allow for emergency repair work to the bridge along this portion of the road. The closure is expected to continue until Friday, June 26. ...
#Brewery Creek #capital urbanism lab #development #ncc #ottawa riverCapital Urbanism Lab Event: Development Plan for the North Shore of the Ottawa River** Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm ** The National Capital Commission (NCC) invites the public to participate in the second workshop on the development plan for the Ottawa River north shore. The addressed sector includes the federal lands between Jacques-Cartier Park and the Ruisseau de la Brasserie (Brewery Creek). ...