#construction #ncc #traffic #transitAsphalt repairs on Portage Bridge this Wednesday and ThursdayOn Wednesday, November 25 and Thursday, November 26, asphalt repair work on Portage Bridge will take place between 9 am and 3 pm, weather permitting. This work will move along the bridge in order to minimize traffic disruptions. The National Capital Commission (NCC) urges motorists to exercise caution, respect work crews and equipment, and obey flag persons and signage at the site. ...
#construction #ncc #traffic #transitClosure of Queen Elizabeth Driveway westbound access ramp to Laurier Avenue WestThe Queen Elizabeth Driveway westbound access ramp to Laurier Avenue West will be closed from Monday November 23, 2015 to Wednesday January 27, 2016. This is required for the rehabilitation of the Laurier Avenue storm sewer by the City of Ottawa. ...
#Canada's Capital Region #environment #National Capital Commission #nature #nccNCC Board of Directors approves the 2014–2015 Annual Environment ReportThe National Capital Commission’s (NCC) Board of Directors approved the 2014–2015 Annual Environment Report today. The report on the NCC’s Environmental Strategy: _ Building a Greener Capital _ provides an account of the NCC’s performance in five key action areas: waste reduction, biodiversity protection, pollution prevention, leadership in environmental practices and combatting climate change. ...
#Lebreton Flats #ncc #public consultationPublic consultation on LeBreton Flats redevelopment to take place in January 2016The National Capital Commission (NCC) will hold a public consultation on the proposals for the redevelopment of LeBreton Flats on January 26 and 27, 2016. LeBreton Flats represents one of the most significant urban development opportunities in Canada’s Capital. ...
#construction #Maintenance #ncc #portage bridge #trafficMaintenance Work on the Portage Bridge continues on Wednesday, November 4Maintenance work on the lanes for high-occupancy vehicles (HOV) on the Portage Bridge will continue on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, outside peak hours, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The work will be undertaken on a 150-metre portion of the HOV lanes in both directions, alternately. ...
#construction #ncc #portage bridge #trafficMaintenance Work on the Portage Bridge continues on Monday, November 2Maintenance work on the lanes for high-occupancy vehicles (HOV) on the Portage Bridge will continue on Monday, November 2, 2015, outside peak hours, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The work will be undertaken on a 150-metre portion of the HOV lanes in both directions, alternately. ...
#asphalt repair #Champlain Bridge #construction #ncc #portage bridge #trafficOvernight Asphalt Repairs on Portage and Champlain BridgesOvernight asphalt repair work on the Portage and Champlain bridges will take place from October 7 to 9, 2015, between 7 pm and 6 am. For both bridges, motorists can expect delays, as this will require lane reductions. One lane in each direction will remain open at all times. ...
#construction #ncc #Ottawa River Pathway #Sir John A Macdonald Parkway #trafficEastbound Lane Reduction on Sir John A. Macdonald ParkwayStarting on Monday, September 21, and continuing until Monday, November 30, from 9 am to 3 pm, a 100-metre section of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway eastbound right lane will be closed, between Woodroffe Avenue and Island Park Drive. This localized closure is required to allow the City of Ottawa to undertake the rehabilitation of the storm sewer system. ...
#construction #ncc #oc transpo #trafficLyon Street from Queen to Albert closed during the next two weekendsLyon Street will be fully closed from Queen Street to Albert Street over the next two weekends for construction related to the O-Train Confederation Line project. The closure will be in effect from the evening of Friday September 18 until 6 a. ...
#Confederation Boulevard #dutch #Dutch Elm Disease #environment #nature #ncc #safety #treesDutch Elm Disease on Confederation BoulevardStarting on Monday, September 14, and continuing over the next three weeks, dead or dying elm trees will be removed along Confederation Boulevard, as they constitute a safety hazard for pedestrians and motorists. Forty trees will be removed: 21 on Wellington Street and 10 on Elgin Street, in Ottawa, and 9 on Laurier Street, in Gatineau. ...