#la machine #ottawa #Schedule

Where to watch La Machine (and how to get through downtown when it's on)

[caption id=“attachment_74261” align=“aligncenter” width=“1000”] Long Ma rests outside city hall. He will awaken at 10 a.m. Friday. (Devyn Barrie/OttawaStart.com)[/caption] La Machine, a mechanical street theatre production, will take over the downtown core from July 27-30. It will probably be hard to miss these dozen-or-so metres tall mechanical creatures roaming around in the streets, but as a helpful guide here’s the schedule from Ottawa 2017: _ (Long Ma is the dragon-horse and Kumo is the spider) _ [caption id=“attachment_74263” align=“alignright” width=“312”] Kumo asleep atop the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica on Thursday, before awakening at 8 p. ...