#Andaz #byward market #hotels#WhenInAndaz: Andaz enters Canada with hotel in ByWard Market_ (Via Hyatt Hotels) _ ** OTTAWA, ON ** — Hyatt Hotels Corporation announced today the official opening of Andaz Ottawa ByWard Market , marking the brand’s official entry into Canada. Andaz Ottawa ByWard Market will further the brand’s mission to create inspiring, indigenous experiences that immerse guests in the local culture of each unique destination. ...
#hotels #restaurants #Christopher RyanChristopher Ryan: CD Howe books a permanent suite at the Belle Claire (Part 2)A weekly feature by Christopher Ryan, a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. There’s an old joke that goes something like “An official from Public Works and one from the National Capital Commission walk into a bar…” As with any number of establishments in Ottawa’s downtown in the immediate postwar period, by hook or by crook, the federal government’s insatiable appetite for office space shouldered them out of the picture. ...
#construction #hotels #ryan"Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE"Lots of history posts on our blog this week! Here’s an old newspaper ad from the Ottawa Journal on December 2, 1940. Hat tip to Christopher Ryan for digging this up! [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/BVCtEYWCEAEC3EO.jpg) CITIZENS OF OTTAWA TAKE NOTE: Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE. ...
#hotels #lanark #tourismGetaway idea: An overnight stay in a treehouse in Lanark CountyIf you’re looking something a little different than a hotel or cottage rental this summer,maybe this would be of interest? [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/0b70c416-80d2-4a58-8cfb-8f3217b84ba3.jpg) [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/d3e8c7ef-813b-4cc4-86de-07693077b55d.jpg) It’s a large treehouse that sleeps up to eight people and is fully equipped with furniture, kitchen, an outdoor shower and wireless internet. ...
#christmas #hotelsPhoto: Brookstreet gingerbread hotel will put your gingerbread house to shameClifford Lyness, the executive chef at the Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, spent the last couple of weeks constructing this gingerbread masterpiece. It stands nearly five feet tall and includes balconies, windows, pool and landscaping. It’s on display now in the main lobby at the Brookstreet. ...
#hotels #king #t-shirtsGuest Blog: Andrew King discovers the hidden secrets of the Talisman Hotel[  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/talisman1.jpg) Japanese style garden at the center of the mystically-named Talisman Hotel on Carling Avenue. Source: [ CardCow.com ](http://www.cardcow.com/221344/talisman-motor-inn-ottawa-canada-ontario/) _ _ _ _ _ Do you follow Andrew King on Twitter ? ...
#business #hotels #signsOttawa signs: "OTTAWA LOVES MEETINGS!"I like this sign from Capital Hill Hotel & Suites a good example of honest advertising. [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ottawa-loves-meetings.jpg) “OTTAWA LOVES MEETINGS! Turn a necessary evil into an enjoyable experience…” Photo by Dasha , used with permission. ...
#hotelsPhoto: The Chateau Laurier, ReflectedReally like this photo by Kanokin of the Chateau Laurier . Used here with permission. [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/chateau-laurier.jpg) ** See also: ** Ottawa Hotels Guide