#news #elgin street #trafficCity to close even more of Elgin StreetElgin Street sign. Photo/City of Ottawa Beginning on Monday, April 1, the southbound lane on Elgin Street from Laurier Avenue to Somerset Street will close, completing the full closure of Elgin Street from Laurier Avenue to Catherine Street. Elgin Street is currently undergoing construction from Gloucester Street to Isabella Street. ...
#news #traffic #elgin streetElgin Street to close January 7 from Somerset to CatherineBeginning on Monday, January 7, Elgin Street will be closed to traffic from Somerset Street to Catherine Street. Additionally, there will be traffic impacts on Elgin Street between Laurier Avenue and Somerset Street: One southbound lane will remain open along Elgin Street from Laurier Avenue to Somerset Street. ...
#elgin street #Ottawa Courthouse #securityOttawa Courthouse implements new security infrastructure on August 31The Ottawa Courthouse, located at 161 Elgin Street, has a new security infrastructure in place as part of provincial security standards and the changes will take effect on Monday, August 31, 2015. Enhancements to security infrastructure are mandated by the Province to improve safety for everyone who uses the Courthouse. ...
#elgin street #restaurants #ryanChristopher Ryan: Marvin of Troy - a history of the former Mayflower building on Elgin_ A regular feature by Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. _ _ _ [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/01.-2B2014-08-19-Corner-Elgin-Cooper.jpg) _ 1 There are a number of stories to be told of this diminutive midcentury commercial block. ...
#buildings & architecture #downtown #elgin street #Christopher RyanChristopher Ryan: A Wolf on Elgin Street (The Park Square apartments at 425 Elgin)The entrance to the Park Square apartments, November 2013. A weekly feature by Christopher Ryan, a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. It would be safe to suggest that Ottawa, at the national capital, experienced the depths of the Depression differently than much of the remainder of the country. ...
#elgin street #restaurants #ryanChristopher Ryan: Mayflower Restaurant, Elgin Institution (1959-2013)The Mayflower’s patio, August 2013. Photo by Christopher Ryan. A weekly feature from Christopher Ryan, a local photographer, blogger and researcher. It appears every Friday on our blog. When news got out this fall that Mayflower owner Walter Krepski had decided to retire and sell his restaurant, a veritable tidal wave of memories seemed to flood the city. ...
#elgin street #simpsonRose Simpson: Carisse Cafe is a treat on Elgin Street_ Rose Simpson’s column appears every Tuesday morning on the OttawaStart Blog. She also blogs at Rose’s Cantina . _ [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/trudeau-and-me.jpg) I heard recently that my old friend Jean-Marc Carisse and his wife Pat had opened a new photo studio, photo gallery and café on Elgin Street . ...
#elgin street #signsNoodle Soup - Pad Thai-Shawarma - Poutine[ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/ELgiN-StreEt-iRReguLars-Why-we-love-Elgin-Street_1192334823546.png) Check out this great photo on the ELgiN StreEt iRReguLars blog … part of a post about multiculturalism on Elgin Street . ** Related: ** Ottawa Food Guide