#basketball #construction #elk #football #hockey #marathon #media #movies #obsessedWhat Ottawa was obsessed with in 2013 (a year-end list)[  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/3f51161c322611e3bb5722000a1fd013_8.jpg) "Long may you run, you beautiful bastard," Instagram art by [ minkwilliams ](http://ottawastart.com/digital-art-inspired-by-the-ottawa-elk-long-may-you-run-you-beautiful-bastard/) Here's our third annual list of things that Ottawa was obsessed with (for better or for worse) in 2013. ...
#city hall #construction #lrt #transitCity of Ottawa launches a "Name the Roadheader" contest (it's not boring)[  ](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-J6ZhBM0vTiI/UliXRMpCk6I/AAAAAAAASLE/M3nAnnNXkIM/s1600/13i-347___003.jpg) Photo supplied by the City of Ottawa. Remember the not-boring-but-actually-a-roadheader-LRT-tunnel-machine that [ we blogged about a couple weeks ago? ](http://ottawastart.com/ottawa-is-boring-the-ultimate-lrt-tunnel-construction-t-shirt/) ** ** Well now, if you’re a Grade 4 student, you can give it a name. ...
#construction #lrt #t-shirts #technology #transitOttawa is Boring: The ultimate LRT tunnel construction t-shirt** UPDATE: ** The Citizen’s David Reevely tells OttawaStart that the machine on the t-shirt is in fact ** _ not _ ** technically a boring machine, but a roadheader. (Boring machines are perfectly round, like this one . ...
#construction #hotels #ryan"Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE"Lots of history posts on our blog this week! Here’s an old newspaper ad from the Ottawa Journal on December 2, 1940. Hat tip to Christopher Ryan for digging this up! [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/BVCtEYWCEAEC3EO.jpg) CITIZENS OF OTTAWA TAKE NOTE: Any rumor that steel for the Lord Elgin Hotel will not be available until after the war is FALSE. ...
#bridge #construction #videoTwo timelapse videos from last night's Queensway / Carling Bridge replacement #417RapidbridgeVia Jeff Ivany , here are two timelapse videos stiched together from Ontario Ministry of Transportation webcams. The videos show the Queensway / Carling Avenue rapid bridge replacement that took place overnight on July 13 and 14. ** ** ** ...
#construction #videoTime-lapse video of the #417rapidbridge replacementJeff Ivany compiled this time-lapse video of the Kirkwood bridge replacement that happened on Saturday night. The old bridge starts coming out at around the one-minute mark. (They even had bleachers set up for specators to watch this live. ...
#constructionMust-see tv? Watch tonight's Kirkwood Avenue bridge replacement via webcam[  ](http://www.mtobridges.com/stills/s1.jpg?1373072904465) Webcam shot of the Kirkwood Avenue Bridge replacement. 600 tonnes of metal and concrete! One hundred construction workers! Traffic detours! You can watch all on Saturday night as crews perform a “rapid replacement” of the 55-year-old Kirkwood Avenue Queensway Bridge. ...
#awesome #construction #videoAwesome Ottawa: Adam Perrin, Construction DancerA video report from the Hill Times about Adam Perrin. Maybe you’ve seen him controlling traffic in front of Parliament Hill. Looks like fun. ** See also: ** Ottawa Traffic Guide If you liked this post, you should ** subscribe to etcetera , ** our free email newsletter. ...
#construction #fake fridayFake Friday: New Segregated Construction Lane Snarls Westboro Traffic[ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/segregated.jpg) _ Westboro _ Traffic in the Westboro area along Richmond Road was congested further today after the City Of Ottawa created a double Segregated Construction Lane (SCL) that reduces road traffic to a single 5 foot wide lane. ...
#construction #signs"Slow Men At Work": A sign that pretty much sums up construction season in OttawaMy good friend Kevin Waghorn posted this photo from a construction site at Clyde and Baseline, beside the new Walmart. “Well the job’s going to take a while then,” he says. (Photo republished here with his kind permission.) It seemed kind of appropriate given the carmageddon happening just up the road on Woodroffe South, between the Queensway and Baseline. ...