#Airport Parkway #construction #Consultation #trafficPublic consultations on the widening of the Airport Parkway beginThe City of Ottawa initiated a study and is seeking public input to develop recommendations for the widening of the Airport Parkway between Brookfield Road and the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, and the widening of Lester Road from the Airport Parkway to Bank Street. ...
#construction #Ottawa River Pathway #Preston #traffic #Trans Canada Trail #UpdatePreston Street extension set to open December 21Beginning on Sunday, December 21, Preston Street will be extended from Albert Street to the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. Full access will be available for motorists, transit users, cyclists and pedestrians. This extension has been put in place to provide an alternate route through LeBreton Flats during the closure of Booth Street for construction activities related to the Confederation Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) project. ...
#174 #417 #construction #trafficUpcoming ramp closures and lane reductions on Highway 417During the week of December 1 there will be off-peak lane reductions on Highway 417 in both directions between Metcalfe Street and the Highway 417/174 split. This section of the highway will be fully closed for 15-minute intervals between 1 and 4 a. ...
#construction #trafficLane reductions on Main Street start Saturday November 22Beginning Saturday, November 22, Main Street from Clegg Street to Lees Avenue will be reduced to a single lane in each direction with left-turn lanes installed at certain intersections to facilitate traffic flow. These lane reductions are needed to allow Bell Canada to replace underground ducts in preparation for the Main Street Renewal Project. ...
#construction #ottawa #queensway #trafficUpcoming ramp closures and lane reductions on Highways 417 and 174Residents are advised of the following lane reductions and ramp closures on Highway 417 and Highway 174: ** Anticipated Lane Reductions ** * During the week of November 17: * There will be off-peak lane reductions on Highway 417 in both directions between Nicholas Street and the Highway 417/174 split and in the eastbound direction between Lyon Street and Elgin Street. ...
#constructionOld Montreal Road to close Nov 12 for culvert replacementWork will commence on Wednesday, November 12 to replace a culvert on Old Montreal Road in Cumberland, east of Quigley Hill Road. During the construction period, the section of Old Montreal Road will be closed to all traffic. A detour will be signed to guide vehicular and cyclist traffic around the work via Quigley Hill Road, Highway 174 and Cameron Street. ...
#construction #queenswayKanata Queensway work on track to be completed this fall #otttraffic_ This article originally appeared on our sister site, StittsvilleCentral.ca _ [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/queensway-construction-1038x576.jpg) Here’s an update on Queensway construction in the Kanata/Stittsville area, provided by Andrew MacHardy from McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers. Work is expected to finish on schedule later this fall. ...
#construction #videoPhotos & videos: Demolition of the Sir John Carling buildingSpectators gathered early Saturday morning to watch crews blow up the Sir John Carling building. 420kg of explosives were used to fell the 11-story building. Here’s a collection of photos and videos of the demolition. [ [ View the story "Demolition of the Sir John Carling building" on Storify ](http://storify. ...
#bridge #construction #queenswayTime lapse video of the Lees Avenue bridge removalThe Queensway was shut down on Saturday night so that they could replace the Lees Avenue overpass . Here’s a timelapse showing the removal of the bridge. Here’s a video of the 2011 Carling Avenue bridge replacement… ** See also: ** Ottawa Traffic Guide ...
#buildings & architecture #construction #hintonburg #ryanChristopher Ryan: "Detail Work a Specialty" - Ottawa Stair Works and the Changing Face of BayviewA weekly feature by Christopher Ryan , a local photographer, blogger and researcher. [  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/01.Image-Front-April-2014.jpg) _ The Ottawa Stair Works factory, as it is today, with the Somerset Viaduct (or Bridge, if you prefer). April 2014. _ Although John Ruskin may have found it distasteful, by the turn of the twentieth century a whole lot of what went into the construction of homes and buildings was not built on the spot, but rather in factories where process and the division of labour were the orders of the day. ...