#askAsk OttawaStart: Anybody live near Rideau Falls Park who can take a photo of the memorial?OttawaStart received this note from Paul Tierney in the United Kingdom: Hi my name is Paul Tierney and I am looking for a photograph of the Mackenzie-Papineau Brigade Memorial showing my uncle's name Frank Tierney. My Dad lives in England too and would welcome a photo of his brother's name on the memorial. ...
#ask #macaronsAsk OttawaStart: Where can I find macarons in Ottawa?Last Thursday, @GirlCrafted mentioned us in a tweet about where to find macarons in Ottawa. https://twitter.com/GirlCrafted/status/286871808702038017 We were amazed at how many (and how quickly) people responded. Here are some suggestions: https://twitter.com/peterhum/status/287207917059465216 https://twitter.com/foodiePrints/status/286898191994089473 https://twitter.com/foodiePrints/status/286898463042572288 https://twitter.com/PaolaSt_Georges/status/286900195336257537 https://twitter.com/PaolaSt_Georges/status/286905451055026176 https://twitter.com/AnatheaT/status/286976881478209536 https://twitter.com/SavingOttawa/status/286977237637554176 ...
#askAsk OttawaStart: What is this camera-on-a-pole thing?Received a question from @kokololamo asking what the heck this device is, spotted along side a few Ottawa roadways. [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/adk-top.jpg) [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/adk-bottom.jpg) Reader @mikeisawake replied: “it’s a video traffic data collection system.” Something like this product from Miovision Technologies . ...
#askOttawa's best samosas, as recommended by our readers[ ![](/legacy/01393.jpg) ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/samosas.jpg) Potato and pea samosas. From [ iStockphoto ](http://www.istockphoto.com/) . It all started out so innocently when Wilson Lo tweeted this question on Thursday night: [ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/samosa-question.png) We retweeted his question on the @ottawastart Twitter feed, and our readers came up with these recommendations: ...
#ask #bike #drink #fishAsk OttawaStart: Fevertree Ginger Beer, Scallops, Cafe Wim, BikesEarlier today on Twitter we asked readers for their questions about Ottawa, and then tried to find some answers. 1. ** Where can I get Fever-tree ginger beer in Ottawa? ** (from @traveleater) [ Fever-tree ](http://www.fever-tree.com/) is a UK drink company, and Farmboy used to carry its products. ...
#ask #remembrance dayCan you help? Help one of our readers track down a poem from last week's Remembrance Day ceremonyWe received this email over the weekend: _ I attended the Remembrance Day Service in the centre of Ottawa on Thursday last and was quite moved really impressed by the poem composed by a 10 year old, which was read out at the service. ...
#ask #swimmingDoes Ottawa have any chlorine-free pools?** Update: Please see our Ottawa Swimming Guide for a list of salt water pools in Ottawa . ** A reader asks: “I am looking for an indoor pool in Ottawa that is chlorine free. Other cities have ozonated pools and salt pools. ...
#ask #gas pricesAsk OttawaStart: How much tax do I pay when I fill up my tank?We received this email from Tim, a visitor to OttawaGasPrices.com : "What is breakdown of the price per litre we pay at the pump? Specifically, how much is Provincial & Federal Tax?" That’s a pretty common question these days as prices hover around the $1. ...
#ask #utilities #waterReader mail: water pressure** Reader Derek Hayes writes: " ** My neighbor and I somehow got on the topic of residential water pressure. He maintains that it is considered “high pressure” coming out of the tap. My take on it is that although it is indeed pressurized, it cannot be called “high pressure”. ...
#ask #bikeAsk OttawaStart: Where can I find a map of bike paths?Question: I would like to get a map of the bike paths in Ottawa. Is there such a thing and how would I get one? (Linda, Ottawa) Answer: The “official” 2006-2007 Ottawa Cycling Map is available here . The map covers most of the bike paths and road routes in Ottawa and parts of Gatineau. ...