#apps #goalie #hockeyPuck App expands to Ottawa to solve a uniquely Canadian problem: finding a goalie_ (article via Puck App) _ Puck App is a Toronto based start up that just launched its services in Ottawa . Puck is setting out to solve a unique hockey problem. The problem is that there aren’t enough hockey goalies to meet the demand of hockey games being played. ...
#apps #Information Technology Sub-Committee #neighbourhoods #snow #snow plow #snowplow #Where is My Plow #winterNew tool will help residents who wonder: Where Is My Plow?There is a new tool on ottawa.ca this winter that will help Ottawa residents know when a City plow will clear their snow-covered residential street. Called ** Where Is My Plow ** , the web tool allows you to enter your home address and find the estimated time when your residential street will be plowed during a major storm. ...
#apps #mobile #smartphone #social media #technologyIntervention: Smart phone editionChances are that you more than likely reading this story through the screen of your mobile smartphone. It’s okay, I actually began writing it from mine. Although hesitant to admit, we are all guilty of over-utilizing our third appendage from everything to mapping our journeys, to connecting with friends and loved ones, to online shopping from the comforts of our own home, and beyond. ...
#apps #city hall #garbage & recyclingNew tool will send you reminders about garbage day via Twitter, email, phone[  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/green-bins.jpg) Delivery crew load green bins into trailers back in September 2009. [ Photo from the City of Ottawa. ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/greenbinottawa/3994653264/in/photostream) The City of Ottawa has launched an incredibly useful tool that will remind you when to put out your garbage, recycling and compost. ...
#apps #technology #tvOttawa-built Tweex app lets you sync Twitter to your PVR[ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/photo.png) Last week I was watching the Olympic closing ceremony several hours after the fact on my PVR, and I wondered out loud on Twitter: _ “Idea: App that time delays your Twitter feed so you can watch PVR’d shows with accompanying snarky tweets. ...
#apps #maps #technology #used #used-classifiedsCool data mash-up: Google map vs. Ottawa KijijiCheck out this cool data mash-up called JunkHunt.ca that takes the geographic information from for sale listings on Ottawa Kijiji, and plots it onto a Google map. So you can see what kind of things people are selling in your neighbourhood. ...
#apps #city hall #technologyVoting ends this Friday in the Apps4Ottawa contestQuick reminder - voting in the City of Ottawa’s Apps4Ottawa contest ends this Friday, Jan 28 at 5:00pm. You can vote here. Launched last fall, the contest encouraged residents to come up with an idea for an app to “help get more information to people where and when they’re looking for it”. ...
#apps #city hall #technologySome of the more interesting entries in the Apps4Ottawa contestLooking through the list of [ app ideas submitted to the City of Ottawa ](http://apps4ottawa.ca/) . Some of the more unusual entries include: * "An app that displays the location of where I can warm my lunch in a microwave." [ http://apps4ottawa. ...
#apps #oc transpo #technologyNew app answers the question: WHERE THE HELL IS MY BUS?_ ** Update (Jan 7): ** Apparantly the City of Ottawa has suspended open access to the OC Transpo GPS data that this app (and others like it) relied on to provide the info. Could be a few weeks until it’s back online. ...