#Accessibility #John Woodhouse #oc transpo #transitCOMMENT: Accessible transit lets me continue my volunteer work[caption id=“attachment_69101” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”] OC Transpo hopes two large projects to bring Trillium Line infrastructure up to date will improve reliability. (Lezumbalaberenjena/Wikimedia Commons/Public domain)[/caption] Taking OC Transpo has certainly changed since I first moved here in 1980. Then I was greeted by buses with 3-4 stairs to get into the bus. ...
#Accessibility #Accessibility Plan #surveySurvey results will contribute to renewed Accessibility PlanThe City of Ottawa is updating its multi-year Accessibility Plan and is encouraging residents to provide input into the plan through a survey available on the City’s website, ottawa.ca . Residents have until November 27 to complete the survey and share their innovative ideas on how City programs, services and infrastructure can be made more accessible and responsive to diverse communities. ...
#AccessAbility Day #AccessibilityAccessAbility Day in Ottawa seeks input into the City’s new multi-year (2016-2020) accessibility planMayor Jim Watson proclaimed AccessAbility Day in Ottawa at the opening ceremony to kick off a day of consultations, presentations and discussions. The goal of the 2015 AccessAbility Day was to begin the important period of public input and feedback on the City’s new multi-year (2016-2020) accessibility plan. ...