9 October 2010 / #saturday Saturday Round-Up: 17 good things from the past week 1. We had some [ beautiful sunsets ](http://yfrog.com/1x8hhaj) this week. 2. Vehicle [ catches fire ](http://yfrog.com/namuofj) on Queensway, thankfully not an OC bus this time. 3. Jarkko Ruutu [ drove a zamboni down Elgin Street. ](http://bit.ly/diAOSU) 4. Cyclist survives [ car running over her head ](http://bit.ly/cYkyVR) in Centretown. 5. Here's what Ottawa is [ really thinking ](http://is.gd/fN3kO) about the municipal election. 6. Larry O'Brien is [ all thumbs ](http://goo.gl/fb/DHDVR) . 7. Does Ottawa need [ more shopping malls ](http://bit.ly/ctFwDe) ? 8. The [ Gladstone Theatre is up for sale ](http://tinyurl.com/249ht4x) , which could be [ the topic of a musical ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/26405940328) . 9. If you're job hunting, here are some openings: [ bus driver ](http://ottawastart.com/story/11997.php) , [ volunteer historian ](http://goo.gl/pf0J) , [ tattoo artist ](http://ottawa.kijiji.ca/c-jobs-other-Tattoo-Artist-Wanted-With-Clientele-W0QQAdIdZ233337496) , 10. [ They grow up so fast. ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/26742344910) 11. Ottawa's got some [ swanky restrooms ](http://goo.gl/fb/k3lvW) . 12. Lucy Van O. from CBC predicts that Jane Scharf [ won't get elected ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/26708399632) . 13. Hazeldean Road is [ getting street art ](http://is.gd/fOJOD) . Seriously. 14. Those damn strollers. 15. The Ottawa Citizen mixes up "zero" and "oh", [ again ](http://goo.gl/fb/w8pqm) . 16. Ottawa's Hollorado creates [ an awesome viral music video ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whv1tLqKZig) 17. And finally, tomorrow is 10-10-10 and we'll be taking part in [ this 10-hour photo challenge ](http://goo.gl/fb/ROSlu) ****