25 September 2010 / #twitter Saturday Round-Up: 10 Ottawa things we liked this week 1. Where did the summer go? Hockey is back tonight at Scotiabank Place. Here's a [ video of the ice going in ](http://ottawastart.com/video-ice-installation-at-scotiabank-place/) . 2. Christopher [ reinvented ](http://nachosatmidnight.com/2010/09/23/my-new-transitway/) the Transitway 3. [ Flashmob in the Byward Market ](http://youtu.be/Icki232VEnk) 4. Those helicopters on Wednesday? [ Just part of a video shoot. ](http://twitter.com/ottawastart/status/25366793960) Move along, nothing to see here. 5. [ A tourist and a bear ](http://twitpic.com/2qh4qc) 6. Job hunting? How about: [ acting in a murder mystery theatre ](http://bit.ly/9ZPKiN) , [ performing at Bluesfest ](http://bit.ly/aOGMpm) , [ loading baggage at the airport ](http://tinyurl.com/3xnjl7l) , or [ a female stunt actor ](http://bit.ly/bw4xhz) . 7. It's a pumpkin ... it's an asparagus ... it's [ new street art in Hintonburg ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/jvlphoto/5018529478/) . 8. Election candidate David Chernushenko [ parodies ](http://goo.gl/fb/urg4U) the Old Spice guy 9. Some people [ hate ](http://bit.ly/a2Yesk) Ottawa, some people [ love ](http://bit.ly/cXKGP7) Ottawa. 10. Gatineau has [ beer vending machines ](http://twitpic.com/2ptak9) .