/ #garbage & recycling 

Re-branding the maggot (or, how to make composting more palatable)



Earlier this week City Council approved changes to residential waste collection .  The changes include bi-weekly garbage pick-up, intended to encourage green bin usage.  One of the big beefs with green bins last summer was the presence of maggots.

Maggots can be gross. (For example, never do a Google image search for maggots.  Never.)  But I think they get a bad rap.  As Diane Holmes pointed out, they are a great source of protein, at least for birds . They can also be used to heal wounds (known as " maggot therapy “).  So, tonight on Twitter I asked readers for suggestions for a kinder, gentler, cuddlier, fuzzier, nicer name for maggots. Here are some of your suggestions:

Enviropillars (@yonifreedhoff) this is my fave

Disco Rice (@ottawamag)

Maggie Mays (@ottawall)

Fly Babies (@alistairsteele)

Bin Worms (@thinkhelen)

Compost Cuddlers (@ottawhine)

Meat Monkeys (@theodotblog)

Meat Buddies (@atomicnoggin)

Baby Flies (@forbeswalker)

Squirmy Wormies (@bitofmomsense)

Moopy Schmoopies (@murpharee)

Which ones are your favourites? Your suggestions are appreciated - please add them to the comments below.

P.S.: Does anybody have a good maggot recipe?

** See also: ** Ottawa Green Guide