/ #rants 

Rant of the Day: No water for you


](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/water_water_everywhere.jpg) ** Saw this recently on Neil Hedley’s blog : **

** To our customers: Screw You **

…Here’s the thing: At some point, somebody in a position of power at the store said to someone else, “You know that water cooler we’ve got in the staff room? Why don’t we just put it out on the sales floor? But do me a favor and put a sign on it so none of those pesky customers try and drink our water. I mean, who the hell do they think they are?”

** Read the full post… **



Do you have a story about brutal customer service?  Any signs that have annoyed you as much as this one annoyed Neil?  Post your story in the comments below or send us an email at feedback@ottawastart.com



** See also: ** Ottawa Shopping Guide