10 March 2010 / #downtown #lowertown Rant of the Day: Lowertown neighbours complain about sidewalk chalkJamine the Yoga Teacher tells the story of some Lowertown neighbours who are upset about chalk drawings her kids made on the sidewalk.Here’s an excerpt:They told me to clean it off. I told them to "fine me." I said, "get the board to fine me. I'm on the board, so let's have a meeting about it and fine me." "It looks like shit," they said. "Children live here," I replied. "We have drug dealers and hookers on the street and you guys are complaining about a child's drawing that will wash away when it rains?" "We don't know when it's going to rain. It's defacing the property." [ Read the entire post... ](http://jaminetheyogateacher.blogspot.com/2010/03/stopping-creativity.html)Does this kind of thing happen in other cities? Because it seems like it happens a lot in Ottawa. A few years back some neighbours in Barrhaven complained about kids playing ball hockey on their street. And earlier this year a school tried banning balls outside during the winter to prevent injury. Or those " no busking allowed " signs on Canada Day. **** Ottawa: no fun allowed. **Related: ** Ottawa Community Guide