6 November 2015 / #construction #traffic Parliament Station construction on O’Connor will impact trafficAs of Monday, November 9, traffic will be reduced to one lane on O’Connor Street between Wellington Street and Queen Street. The intersection of O’Connor Street and Queen Street will also be reduced. These lane reductions are required as construction of the O-Train Confederation Line Parliament Station east entrance begins on the ground level. Utilities will be relocated, and construction site panelling and fencing will be installed in the area. The lane reductions will be in place until late December. Access to businesses will be maintained while work is underway. One lane on O’Connor Street will remain open to motorists and cyclists at all times. One sidewalk will remain open to pedestrians at all times, but there may be intermittent closures on the east side. Please follow signed detours. The O-Train Confederation Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) project is an Ottawa on the Move project. Ottawa on the Move is about keeping our community and economy moving forward through strategic investments in a number of transportation, water, and sewer projects to build a better city and create jobs. For current information about traffic and construction around the city, visit ottawa.ca .