#layoffs #merger #metroland media #Postmedia #stittsville #stittsville news #torstarCOMMENT: Turning the page on the Stittsville News_ "That daily experience of seeing your local places, names and events creates a kind of resonance and connection and investment with where you live. Canadians pay a lot of lip service to the importance of telling Canadian stories. We are so used to seeing American references that just watching a movie, for example, set in a Canadian place will “charge us up” with local feeling. ...
#barrhaven #community newspapers #Nepean #richmong #stittsvilleA list of community news outlets in OttawaToppled newspaper boxes after a wind storm in 2011. Photo by Robert Janelle. After news that nine Ottawa-area newspapers will be closed, here’s a partial list of community news outlets in Ottawa that are still running. Capital Current ...
#layoffs #merger #metroland media #Ottawa Citizen #Postmedia #torstarPostmedia to close Metro Ottawa and eight area community papersThe Stittsville News is one of eight local community papers that will be closed after a swap between Postmedia and Torstar. (File photo) Nine Ottawa-area newspapers will be shuttered after a trade between Canada’s two largest newspaper chains. The swap, announced Monday, saw Postmedia Network Canada Corp. ...
#buses #Grey Cup #oc transpo #ottawa #redblacks playing grey cup 2017How to get to the 2017 Grey Cup festival at TD Place_ (Via 105th Grey Cup) _ ** OTTAWA-GATINEAU ** In five days the 105 th Grey Cup Festival presented by Shaw kicks-off with the arrival of the prized trophy that will be played for November 26 th at a sold-out TD Place in the 105 ...
#apartments #books #buildings & architecture #centretown #downtown #Heritage Ottawa #history #urbanBOOK LAUNCH: From Walk-Up to High-Rise - Ottawa's historic apartment buildings** A HERITAGE OTTAWA BOOK LAUNCH ** Wednesday, December 13, 2017 - 19:00 to 21:00 Join Heritage Ottawa as we launch our newest book with this special presentation by two of its contributors, Shannon Ricketts and Susan Ross. The fascinating story of how apartment house living emerged in 20th century Ottawa focuses on Centretown, Sandy Hill and parts of Lowertown East. ...
#blogs#OTTBLOG: Recent reads from the Ottawa Blogosphere, Volume 1Yes, blogging is still a thing! Here’s the first of what we hope will be come a regular feature on OttawaStart.com, highlighting interesting blog posts from Ottawa bloggers. * ** Saul ** publishes [ Part 5 of his epic look at the architecture of Beaverbrook bungalows ](http://modernrealtor. ...
Parliament Hill skating rink to be open until end of February instead of December[caption id=“attachment_84124” align=“aligncenter” width=“1024”] Artist’s representation of the Parliament Hill skating rink. (via Canadian Heritage)[/caption] The $5.6-million Parliament Hill skating rink will stay open until the end of February instead of December, as originally planned, the government announced on Thursday. ...
NCC reveals proposed redesign for Nepean Point[caption id=“attachment_84122” align=“aligncenter” width=“1000”] Artist’s representation of the propose redesign for Nepean Point. (via NCC)[/caption] _ (Via NCC) _ ** Canada’s Capital Region ** —The winning concept for the Nepean Point redevelopment, entitled Big River Landscape, submitted by Janet Rosenberg & Studio Inc. ...
#bell media layoffsDays after being let go in 'restructuring', former CTV Ottawa host Melissa Lamb isn't sure what's nextAs cutbacks sweep across Canadian media outlets, Melissa Lamb, one of the presenters of CTV Ottawa Morning Live, was laid off due to “restructuring,” Lamb confirmed in a Facebook post on Nov. 16. Lamb found out about the news at around 10:30 a. ...
#Gord Downie #We DayLegacy of Gord Downie celebrated onstage at We Day[caption id=“attachment_83853” align=“aligncenter” width=“1000”] The Downie and Wenjack families onstage during a tribute to Gord Downie at We Day in Ottawa on Wednesday. (Charlie Senack for OttawaStart.com)[/caption] The family of Gord Downie took to the stage at We Day on Wednesday for a moving tribute to the late songwriter. ...