#news #transit #oc transpoCOOL VIDEO: Tunney's Pasture Station during afternoon commuteHere’s Tunney’s Pasture like you’ve never seen it before… Tunney’s LRT station this evening. @OC_Transpo pic.twitter.com/oj9KfhL4Cc — Pat (@fireballxl8) October 7, 2019 The first Monday commute after the end of parallel bus service went fine, says OC Transpo. There were complaints of crowding on trains and at bus platforms, but the service sent along a review of the afternoon run that boils down to “people are people”: ...
#transit #oc transpoFarewell, route 95One of the last 95 runs at Mackenzie King Station, Oct. 5 2019. With bus network changes coming Sunday, several buses will be no more. Route 95, the backbone of OC Transpo’s bus rapid transit system, will be one of them. ...
#news #trafficBulk of construction for Strandherd Drive widening to begin in 2020Some of the advance construction work for the Strandherd Drive widening included watermain installation on Strandherd Drive between Greenbank Road and Jockvale Road. (Photo/City of Ottawa) Strandherd Drive is being widened to a four-lane cross section from Maravista Drive to Jockvale Road in Barrhaven. ...
#employment #jobs #directoryHow to find a job in OttawaPhoto by Alachua County A strong labour market in the Ottawa region for the past while means job opportunities haven’t been this vast in years. If you’re looking for a new job in the Ottawa area, here are some sites and resources to check out. ...
#news #lansdowne parkCOMMENT: Banning cars at Lansdowne Park plaza a great step forwardTD Place and Aberdeen Pavilion. (Photo/Ross Dunn, used under a creative commons licence) Lansdowne Park has always had a duressed relationship with the automobile. It never felt like the right place for them and watching drivers blunder around always took away from my own enjoyment of what is otherwise a really great urban place. ...
#news #official plan #city hallA few days left to fill out official plan direction surveysCity Hall (photo/Devyn Barrie) The city is looking for your feedback on their “Five Big Moves” report for the new official plan. There are surveys on engage.ottawa.ca on five topics: Growth, Mobility, Urban Design, Resiliency and the Economy. The surveys are very quick to fill out and are one way for you to have a say on each of the big moves discussed in the report. ...
#news #oc transpo #fares #transportationOC Transpo fares hike October 1(Via OC Transpo) On Tuesday, October 1, 2019, the OC Transpo fare freeze will end and 2019 fares will come into effect as approved by Council. All fares, except the EquiPass, Community Pass and Access Pass, will increase an average of 2. ...
#comment #lrtCOMMENT: First week of LRT has ups and downs, but an overall successThe O-Train arrives at St-Laurent Station during an afternoon commute this past week. (Photo/Devyn Barrie) I rode the O-Train and I loved it. The amazing convenience of stepping off the bus at Tunney’s Pasture and being able to get on a train in a matter of seconds. ...
#news #ottawa policePeter Sloly starts as Ottawa's new police chief October 28(Via Ottawa Police Services Board) The Ottawa Police Services Board wishes to advise the community that Mr. Peter Sloly, the new Chief of the Ottawa Police Service, will officially take on his new role effective October 28, 2019. He will be sworn-in privately on October 28 so he can begin his duties immediately however a more formal and public swearing-in, called the change of command ceremony, will take place at a later date, that is yet to be determined. ...
#news #development #densityCity report shows how suburban development is shifting denserSprawling suburbs are on their way out, with the city preferring more intensification of land uses. (Aerial photo of Barrhaven via City of Ottawa.) While the outer suburbs continue to dominate residential development activity in Ottawa, city data shows that developers are increasingly building denser forms of housing. ...