17 May 2012 / #fireworks #tulip festival OttawaStart's Weekly Event Round-Up: Fireworks, Sheep, Shoes, Punk Flea Market, more...[  ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/luciana_nechita/7155520172/) Tulip Festival, Ottawa 2012. Photo by [ Luciana Nechita ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/luciana_nechita/7155520172/in/pool-1894735@N21/) and shared on the [ OttawaStart Flickr Group ](http://flickr.com/groups/ottawastart) .[ ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/weekly-event-roundup250.gif)It’s the Victoria Day long weekend and the unofficial start of the summer in Ottawa. The Tulip Festival wraps up with a bunch of events, including Eletrik Tulipe , a big dance party on Friday night at the CE Centre featuring Swedish House Mafia and more. There are also fireworks on Sunday night and Monday night near Dow’s Lake. Here are some more events and activities this week…** Max Keeping : **** THE CITY’S BEST! ** The exraordinary contributions of people, organizations, agencies, and community groups are being honoured Thursday, May 17 at the Convention Centre. The Ottawa United Way’s Community Builder of the Year Gala is a night of celebration, 5-9pm. Tickets are $100. More info.** Marilou ** from ** Twenty York Street : **** STEPPING OUT 2012: ** Dress for Success gala on Thursday, May 17 starting at 6pm at Lago Grill and Bar. There will be a Funky Shoes Competition component to the event and all proceeds will go to DFS Ottawa in support of women getting back in to the workforce. More info.** Ryan Bresee ** ** , radio host of CKCU’s Whatever’s Cool With Me : **** CLASSIC HIP HOP: ** Another rap legend is coming to town. Rakim will be at Ritual Nightclub on Friday. Remember him from Eric B. & Rakim? They did this classic.****** Brett Delmage, OttawaJazzScene.ca : **** JAZZ: ** Saxophonist Zakari Frantz and guitarist Tim Bedner are well-known for their masterly improvising within standard jazz tunes. Now, along with drummer Mike Essoudry (who has both standard and free jazz chops), they’re taking it one step further in a completely improvised concert – but still infused with melody – at GigSpace Friday night. More info.****** Sara-Lynne Levine, Ottawa Capital Region Macaroni Kid : **** SHEEP SHEARING FEST: ** Saturday, May 19 through Monday, May 21 at the Canada Agricultural Museum. Visit the Museum during the May long weekend, and discover the amazing world of wool! Enjoy sheep-shearing demonstrations given by an expert shearerseveral times each day and see how, by washing, carding, dying, spinningand knitting the wool, many different objects can be made. More info.** Jean Labelle ** ** , photographer: **** SHAKESPEARE: ** Romeo & Juliet, William Shakespeare’s masterpiece of love, courage and edemption comes to life against the backdrop of the 1848 Uprising. Playing at the Kanata Theatre at Ron Maslin Playhouse May 15-19 and May 22-26. More info. ** Laura Nicol , aka @311Laura : **** FLEA MARKET: ** If you’re looking for perhaps a different take on flea markets you may want to check out the punkottawa.com Spring Flea Market this Saturday from 11 - 5 p.m. in Mac Hall at the Bronson Centre. Admission is by donation and you can check out new and gently-used records, clothing, snacks, toys, comic books, collectibles, artwork, jewelry, books, health/beauty products, movies, handmade crafts and much more!** Amanda Earl , poet & publisher: ** ** POETRY: ** Saturday, May 19, 5pm - Plan 99 The Manx Pub, 370 Elgin St. A.F. Moritz & Don McKay (a VERSeFest fundraising event; admission $10) hosted by David O’Meara, go hear well-known & award winning poets & help raise funds for Ottawa’s annual poetry festival in March. Go for the readings, stay for the great beer, food & camraderie of the venerable Manx.** Sylvie Hill , that girl who used to write for The Ottawa XPress : **** MUSIC: ** Touted as “a fine candidate for national treasure-hood” by the Toronto Star’s Ben Rayner , Danny Michel , an all-time Blacksheep legend and favourite Canadian superstar, plays the Blacksheep Inn in Wakefield, Québec this Saturday, May 19, 8:00 pm. Tickets are $23 at www.Ticketweb.ca | 1-888-222-6608. Come out, sing and dance to some Danny classics and his new Belize-inspired sonic gems. Show is sure to sell out! Before that, why not grab some cheap & delicious fresh eats and a drink at the relaxed, waterfront Kaffe 1870 – home of The Fiftymen , who have an upcoming show May 31.** Yasir Naqvi , MPP Ottawa Centre: **** COMMUNITY: ** I’m excited to be attending the first ever Carlington Family Fun Day on Victoria Day Monday in Alexander Park (on Shillington, off of Merivale and north of Kirkwood). The Carlington Community Association and residents from the area will be gathering together for a fun day of BBQ, games and activities. The event, which runs from 11am to 3pm, is free and all are welcome to join. Info: www.carlingtoncommunity.org** Glen Gower , Editor/Owner of OttawaStart.com : **** MONEY: ** The Currency Museum (245 Sparks Street) has a special exhibit from May 19-21 called “ComODDITY”, showcasing different and unusual currencies from other countries and times past. More info.** Denise Deby , from Green Living Ottawa : **** FOOD: ** So much is going on in Ottawa’s food scene, with farmers’ markets, creative new restaurants, community gardens and urban wild food all becoming more prominent. One way to keep tabs on it all—and to be a part of creating a vibrant local food system—is to join Just Food, which is having its firstAnnual General Meeting on Tuesday, May 22 from 5-6:30 p.m. at Dominion-ChalmersChurch, 355 Cooper St. It’s not all business—they promise light refreshments too.****** Don from foodieprints ** :** FOODIES: ** Did you know Chef Steve Mitton of Murray Street Kitchen, Wine, and Charcuterie was invited by Toronto’s famed Group of Seven chefs to cook with them at a pop up event? Did you know he brought them to Ottawa? Want to learn some nose to tail cooking, which is Chef Mitton’s signature? On Tuesday, May 22 (6-8 pm), he will be at the Rideau Street LCBO (275 Rideau Street), providing some instruction on how to cook rabbit from Rabbit Head Consommé with Kidney and Mushroom Toast to Mustard and Bacon-braised “Wings” with Fresh Peas and Rabbit Liver Spaetzle. The cost is $60/p. RSVP by phone at (613)789-5226. Seats are VERY limited.****** Looking ahead to next week: ** Big events include the Great Glebe Garage Sale , Ottawa Race Weekend and the Gatineau Beer Festival / Festibière ._ Have a great week! _** See also: ** What’s open and closed on Victoria Day in Ottawa…If you liked this post, please consider subscribing to our blog via email, Twitter, Facebook or RSS. Thank you.