/ #Classroom #Find Your Voice 

OCDSB Celebrating Success of Students and Staff

OCDSB has much to celebrate about the work of our students and staff.  This week, the success of the district was highlighted with the provincial announcement about graduation rates and an incredible OCDSB student conference.

The Ministry of Education released the annual five-year cohort graduation rate. The OCDSB’s commitment to student success through an improved graduation rate can be seen in our results. The OCDSB 4-year and 5-year cohort rates for 2013-2014 are 79% and 86%, respectively ​up from conservative estimates of 72% and 78% the previous year and compared to the provincial rates of 76% and 84%.


Director of Education, Jennifer Adams said, “We are on track to meet our goal of a 90% graduation rate by, or in advance of, the 2020 school year.” Over the past two years, the OCDSB has been working improve measures for calculating graduation rates to ensure that those measures value all students who successfully complete a program designed for their particular pathway. That pathway could be community living, workplace, apprenticeship, college or university. This measure is known as the OCDSB Annual Certification Rate. Read more: http://www.ocdsb.ca/calendar/AGENDA%20DOCS/2015%20DOCS/March%202015/SEAC%2025%20March/07%20Report%2015-023%202013-2014%20Annual%20Certification%20Rates.pdf As a District we understand that success in life has as much to do with well-being as it does with academic success.  We promote and practice a well- being framework that is embraced by our teachers and support staff. The OCDSB is dedicated to nurturing student leadership, voice, and sense of belonging. Earlier this week more than 300 OCDSB students from grades 7 to 12 participated in “Find Your Voice 2015 - Student Leadership Conference.” Student leaders from across the district led the conference and discussed the conditions for student engagement in learning and provided input into what student voice might look like at the classroom, school and district levels. https://youtu.be/g6OUMrtp5Qk?list=UUGjwLuHVcfB0QrAL9RgbMrw