21 September 2015 / #construction #Lynda Lane Road Improvements Project Lynda Lane now completely open to trafficLynda Lane, between Smyth Road and Pleasant Park Road, is now open to drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. The City of Ottawa completed construction on the road this week, allowing for safer access between Lynda Lane and the nearby General Campus of the Ottawa Hospital. Improvements to Lynda Lane include: * Installation of a paved parking lane * More streetlights * A multi-use pathway, including lighting, between Billings Avenue and Pleasant Park Road * A sidewalk with benches Also, the road has been repaved and the drainage ditches have been realigned and upgraded. The total project budget is approximately $1.4 million, which includes both the design and construction. The Lynda Lane Road Improvements Project is an Ottawa on the Move project. Ottawa on the Move is about keeping our community and economy moving forward through strategic investments in a number of transportation, water, and sewer projects to build a better city and create jobs. For current traffic and construction information around the city, visit _ ottawa.ca _ .