19 December 2016 / #highway 417 #island park drive Province and feds kicking in almost $100 million to widen Highway 417_ (press release) _ From visiting friends and relatives to getting goods to market, we rely on our roads, bridges and highways to support a vibrant economy and great quality of life. Investing in modern transportation infrastructure will help create jobs and grow the middle class now, while building the foundation for a strong economic future.David McGuinty, Member of Parliament for Ottawa South, on behalf of the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Ontario Minister of Infrastructure were in Ottawa today to announce funding for the expansion of Highway 417. The governments of Canada and Ontario are each providing up to $47.57 million. The project involves the expansion of Highway 417 from six to eight lanes for three kilometers, between Maitland Avenue and Island Park Drive in Ottawa. The work will also include the rehabilitation and expansion of the Merivale Road Bridge. Once completed, the project will improve safety and traffic flow for all highway users, including local residents, tourists and commercial drivers. It will support Canada’s trade both inter-provincially and internationally by helping to reduce traffic congestion on this significant section of the Trans-Canada Highway network.Quick Facts * The Government of Canada is contributing up to 50 percent of total eligible costs to this project, to a maximum of $47.57 million, through the Major Infrastructure Component of the Building Canada Fund. * The Government of Canada will provide more than $180 billion in infrastructure funding over 12 years to support public transit, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, transportation that supports trade, and Canada’s rural and northern communities. * Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, public transit, roads and bridges in the province's history. To learn more about what's happening in your community, go to [ Ontario.ca/BuildON ](http://www.ontario.ca/buildon) . Expanding highways to reduce congestion and improve commuting is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. Additional Resources * [ Government of Canada’s $180-billion+ infrastructure plan ](http://www.budget.gc.ca/fes-eea/2016/docs/themes/infrastructure-en.html) * [ Building Canada Fund-Major Infrastructure Component (MIC) ](http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/prog/bcf-fcc-eng.html) * [ Federal infrastructure investments in Ontario ](http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/map-carte/index-eng.html) * [ New Building Canada Plan ](http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/plan/nbcp-npcc-eng.html)