4 January 2025 / #news #transportation Here's the deal with the new LRT lines 2 and 4 opening January 6One of the new Stadler FLIRT vehicles at Carleton Station, along line 2. Photo via the OC Transpo website.There was a lot of speculation over the past few months about whether the new extensions to the LRT system would be delayed further, but it seems the delays are over and the city is finally ready to launch on January 6.Line 2 is updated and extended from what was previously called the Trillium Line, while line 4 is the spur line to Uplands Drive and the airport. There are 13 new and upgraded stations along the lines. According to OC Transpo, it will take about 35 minutes to travel the length of line 2 between Limebank Station and Bayview, and trains on line 2 and 4 will be scheduled every 12 minutes. Map of the new train lines.Earlier in December, the city issued a news release which said:“Lines 2 and 4 will open in three phases to ensure reliable service, allow customers to become familiar with the new system, and provide time for additional staff training.“Phase one will start on Monday, January 6, where Lines 2 and 4 will operate five days a week, Monday through Friday, for a minimum of two weeks. In phase two, service will expand to six days a week, Monday through Saturday, and will run for a minimum of two weeks. In the third and final phase, service will expand to seven days a week.“Existing bus service will continue to run alongside Lines 2 and 4, providing parallel bus service options for customers. This parallel service, which includes B2 buses (formerly known as Line 2 buses), and Route 97 and Route 99 will be available for customers every day of the week.“The phased approach to opening with the support of parallel bus service was informed by the Public Inquiry report, lessons learned, and third-party recommendations.”For more details, OC Transpo has an interactive webpage covering topics such as destinations along the lines, the new vehicles being used for the train service, and schedules. Another source of information about the new system is Rail Fans Canada, who have compiled a detailed overview and FAQ on their blog.