FEATURED: Nature Scene symposium at Museum of Nature, Nov 8-9
** Focus on a nature-rich life! ** ** Nature symposium at Canadian Museum of Nature, with keynote by author Richard Louv on nature deficit disorder ** The Canadian Museum of Nature is holding a special symposium on Nov. 8-9 to inspire people to engage more with nature.
Kicking off the event is a keynote talk on ** November 8 ** by American author Richard Louv, who coined the expression “nature deficit disorder”. Louv’s latest book is _ Vitamin N: The essential guide to a Nature-Rich Life _ . Our increasing focus on the latest technologies, electronic devices and the Internet is draining our ability to pay attention, think clearly, and be productive or creative. He emphasizes that by tapping into the restorative powers of nature, we can boost mental acuity and creativity; promote health and wellness; build smarter and more sustainable businesses, communities, and economies; and ultimately, strengthen human bonds. Louv’s presentation will take place from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Admission is $20 (for this evening event only; does not include the symposium).
On ** November 9 ** , the public can attend a full-day (9:00 am to 4:30 pm) symposium called Nature Scene. Highlights include panels, hands-on activities, and info booths.
Guest speakers for the Health and Nature panel include: Moderator: Lisa Glithero (University of Ottawa); Dr. Mark Tremblay (CHEO, Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research); Elizabeth Nisbet (Trent University); Jacob Rodenburg, co-author of The Big Book of Nature Activities: A Year-Round Guide to Outdoor Learning; Tim O’Loan (Forum for Young Canadians) and Cheryl Charles (Children & Nature Network) – via Skype.
The panel on Urban People and Nature will feature Alex MacDonald (Nature Canada) and Giancarlo Mangone (Carleton University).
Concurrent sessions will be bustling with hands-on activities to stimulate interest in learning about nature, inspire creative ways to capture the wonders of nature (through photography or other means) and encourage appreciation for different perspectives. Participants can look forward to a makerspace (University of Ottawa’s Maker Mobile), educational and art stations, and an indigenous walking tour led by artist Jamie Koebel.
There will also be opportunities for networking and browse information displays from various organizations: Nature Canada, Students on Ice, City of Ottawa, Ottawa Carleton District School Board eco schools, Camp Kawartha, Parks Canada and Nature Connections.
The registration fee for the Nov. 9 symposium is $50 (lunch is provided). A combo price for both the Nov. 8 and 9 events is available. For registration information, visit nature.ca .
The Museum is located at 240 McLeod Street in Ottawa.
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