/ #fake friday 

Fake Friday: G20 Failure May Have Been Caused By Harper’s “Movember” Stache


](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/harp2.jpg) _


       - The G20 Summit held in Seoul, South Korea over the last few days has concluded with a failure to reach an accord on settling disagreements and imbalance within global trade. Failure to do so is being blamed on Prime Minister Harper, who attended the two-day summit sporting a “Luigi” style moustache in support of “Movember”, which helps bring awareness to prostate cancer with men sporting a moustache during the month of November.
       Opting to grow a “Luigi” style moustache in appreciation of his fondness for Super Mario Brothers, a popular Nintendo game the Prime Minister likes to play with his son back on Sussex Drive, Harper may have single handedly ruined Canada’s chance at progressing the country’s global trade status. Many of the world leaders at the summit chose not to have their photo taken with the Prime Minister, who insisted his moustache was in support of men’s health and the “Movember” awareness movement that spans the globe. Many leaders thought he was mocking the summit and refused Harper into many high-level meetings.
       “I like Luigi and Mario from Super Mario Brothers, so I decided to grow a Movember moustache like theirs.” Harper commented as he readied for departure. “I thought everyone would be on board with the whole Movember thing, but I guess not.”
       Nonetheless, Harper said it's still an issue that the leaders need to grapple with.
       "I don't think there's anything here that speaks to collapse in the global economy or an immediate problem," said the prime minister about the lack of a deal on the key issues this week.
       At the end of the G20 summit, Harper was scheduled to travel to Yokohama, Japan to attend the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) meeting over the weekend, where he will shave off his moustache.




     Editor's note: Every Friday on OttawaStart, we feature a "best of" post from the-o-dot, the satircal Ottawa blog.
      This article originally appeared here.


