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City of Ottawa rules for election signs

With the announcement today of the 2015 federal election on Monday, October 19, 2015, the City of Ottawa reminds candidates of municipal regulations on election signs.


The regulations require that temporary election signs not be posted on private property, such as lawns and businesses, until 60 days prior to the federal election (Thursday, August 20), and not be posted on public property until 30 days prior to the election (Saturday, September 19).


Signs must not pose a safety risk and must not be erected in such a way as to interfere with the safe movement of vehicles or pedestrians.


For safety reasons, election signs are not permitted on central boulevards or medians and may not be placed within 50 centimetres of a sidewalk; or where there is no sidewalk, within two metres of the roadway or within 50 centimetres of the edge of a shoulder.


The City will enforce the regulations on a request-for-service basis, or proactively if the placement of a sign is causing a public safety or line-of-sight issue.