/ #buildings & architecture 

City Centre building loses some of its ugly charm

Eric Darwin’s West Side Action blog reports on the removal of the letters from east side of the “CITY CENTRE” building near Lebreton Flats:

The City Centre office and warehouse complex, 250 City Centre Avenue, opposite the Bayview OTrain station and Tom Brown Arena, is often referred to as the ugliest in the city. While not pretty, its not so bad either. I should know, I look at it from my house, and until I sold my business a few years ago, was/is the largest tennant in the industrial bays.

Removing the letters doesn’t really improve the view, as the very dirty brick spells out the name in absentia. I kinda liked the letters when they were illuminated: they reminded me that there is more to Ottawa than bland office towers full of cubicles, ie there are some industrial and manufacturing activities still here. The letters added a frisson of excitement to the skyline. Sniff.

Read the full blog post, including photos…

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