27 April 2015 / #construction #lane closure Additional Main Street lane reductions start MondayBeginning on Monday, April 27, there will be lane reductions on Main Street between Riverdale Avenue and Smyth Road. Hydro Ottawa will be undertaking work along Main Street to accommodate the installation of electrical infrastructure. This utility work is being done for the O-Train Confederation Line project. These lane reductions will impact traffic. Motorists and cyclists must share the roadway and the sidewalk on the west side of the road will be closed to pedestrians. Commuters using Main Street should anticipate delays. Motorists should plan ahead and check their route with the up-to-the-minute information available on the Travel and Mobility web page or the Ottawa NAV mobile app. For the most up-to-date information, please check Twitter and ottawa.ca . The O-Train Confederation Line is an Ottawa on the Move project. Ottawa on the Move is about keeping our community and economy moving forward through strategic investments in a number of transportation, water, and sewer projects to build a better city and create jobs. For current information about traffic and construction around the city, visit _ ottawa.ca . _