A brief history of Throop Photographic

Reader Ken Waplington writes:

Re: Late local CTV Ottawa news(Jan 17/08). It was noted the closing of Throop Photo on Merivale Rd., sad! But in it's evolution, Throop Photo had an earlier life.

When Westgate Shopping Center was opened on Carling Avenue, the shopping centre was touted as one of the largest & most modern in North Americal!

Long before “Shopper’s Drug Mart” was a concept or in existance, Throop Pharmacy was one of the original and key businesses at Westgate Shopping Centre, and served the west end of the city with prominence and integrity.

Most drug stores of the era sold camera films and had the films processed for their clients. Throop extended their line of films and gradually introduced photographic products into their merchandise. Most probably, as the older members of the Throop family retired or died off, the business evolved from pharmaceutical to photographic products and some years when their current location opened up as a mall on Merivale Road, they opened and ran their current location as Throop Photo showing the same professionalism and integrity that their earlier generation had displayed as a drug store.

** Related: ** Ottawa Photography Guide