14 July 2016 / #electric cars #Province 41 electric vehicle chargers to be built in Ottawa_ Editor’s note: The City of Ottawa will soon be home to 41 new electric vehicle chargers, in ten different locations. Check out a map of the future locations here . _ _ (press release) _ Ontario is building almost 500 electric vehicle charging stations at over 250 convenient locations across the province to help reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight climate change.The province is working with 24 public- and private-sector partners to create an unprecedented network of public charging electric vehicle stations in cities, along highways, at workplaces and at various public places across Ontario. This includes over 200 Level 3 and nearly 300 Level 2 charging stations. The entire network will be in service by March 31, 2017.The province’s $20-million investment under Ontario’s Green Investment Fund will expand charging infrastructure across the province and will help address “range anxiety,” a common concern of consumers regarding the distance electric vehicles can travel compared to traditional vehicles. Building a more robust network of public chargers across Ontario allows electric vehicle owners to plan longer trips knowing that charging stations are as readily available as gas stations. With the new network of stations, electric vehicle drivers will be able to travel confidently from Windsor to Ottawa or from Toronto to North Bay and within and around major urban centres.The $325-million Green Investment Fund, an initial investment in Ontario’s new five-year Climate Change Action Plan , is already strengthening the economy, creating good jobs and driving innovation while fighting climate change – a strong signal of what Ontarians can expect from the plan and proceeds from the province’s cap and trade program. These investments will help secure a healthy, clean and prosperous low-carbon future and transform the way we live, move, work and adapt to our environment while ensuring strong, sustainable communities.Investing in climate action is part of the government’s economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and transit in Ontario’s history and is investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.Quick Facts * An interactive map of the EVCO network of stations will be easily accessible on [ Ontario 511 ](http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/trip/) . Station location data will also be posted on Ontario’s [ Open Data Catalogue ](https://www.ontario.ca/search/data-catalogue) to allow software developers and other interested parties to use the data in their mobile application or digital product development. * Ontario’s [ Climate Change Action Plan ](https://www.ontario.ca/page/climate-change-action-plan?_ga=1.106343683.1688264786.1465336198) is providing people and businesses with tools and incentives to accelerate the use of clean technology that exists today. * A shift to low- and zero-emission vehicles is vital to the fight against climate change and achieving Ontario’s greenhouse gas pollution reduction target of 80 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050. * Green Investment Fund projects include: more electric vehicle charging stations; energy retrofits for single-family homes and affordable housing; support for Indigenous communities, industry and small and medium-sized businesses, and helping local organizations fight climate change. * Greenhouse gases from cars account for more emissions than those from industries such as iron, steel, cement, and chemicals combined. * There are nearly 7,000 electric vehicles currently on the road in Ontario. * Over 200 applications to the Electric Vehicle Charger Ontario program were received between Dec. 21, 2015 and Feb. 12, 2016, totalling more than $165 million in grant requests. Background Information * [ Electric Vehicle Charging Stations ](https://news.ontario.ca/mto/en/2016/07/electric-vehicle-charging-stations.html) Additional Resources * [ Ontario’s Electric Vehicle Incentive Program ](http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/vehicles/electric/index.shtml) * [ Ontario 511 ](http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/trip/) * [ Climate Change Action Plan ](https://www.ontario.ca/page/climate-change-action-plan?_ga=1.106343683.1688264786.1465336198)