30 December 2011 / #bluesfest #festivals What Ottawa was obsessed with in 2011[  ](http://ottawastart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/1c0il.jpg) [ Andrew King's ](http://www.andrewkingstudio.com/) "Stage Fright", depicting the dramatic final night of Bluesfest. This painting was auctioned off as part of the [ Portraits of Bluesfest ](http://blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2011/08/31/stage-crumpling-storm-produces-unique-art-for-portraits-of-bluesfest-3/) fundraiser. ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with [ weather ](http://ottawastart.com/weather.php) . ** It was [ really hot ](http://ottawastart.com/hot-enough-for-you-how-about-that-heat-photos/) this summer (and fall too). It was really [ windy ](http://ottawastart.com/a-mighty-wind-stories-photos-and-more-from-todays-wind-storm/) this summer. We were [ blown away by Bluesfest ](http://ottawastart.com/ottawastarts-weekly-event-round-up-over-20-great-events-happening-this-weekend/) (or was it the other way around?) We even got the tail end of a hurricane in August that knocked over green bins and [ blew garbage down the road ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ-CmOZEQzU&context=C3d59dcbADOEgsToPDskLqfNJdv-i4QMmKz8-RtQ8y) . We took some [ incredible photos of lightning ](http://ottawastart.com/photo-incredible-shot-of-lightning-today-at-the-experimental-farm/) , and we had a lot of [ nice sunsets ](http://ottawastart.com/photo-collage-26-pics-of-tonights-sunset-in-ottawa/) . ** ** ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with [ food ](http://ottawastart.com/food.php) . ** I know this, because I witnessed people lined up around the block at Taste of Wellington in September to sample a tiny piece of free bagel from the Bagelshop. I know this, because Hintonburg residents [ held a wake ](http://ottawastart.com/not-fake-friday-public-wake-for-the-hintonburg-kfc/) for the old KFC that shut down. And I know this, because Scotiabank Place introduced [ Golden Palace eggrolls ](http://video.senators.nhl.com/videocenter/console?hcatid=769&id=144237) to their menu, and several fans proclaimed it a great moment for the Ottawa Senators. ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with what other people thought about us. ** About once a month, the Ottawa Citizen published a letter or column with a title like [ "Canadians don't love Ottawa" ](http://www.ottawacitizen.com/travel/Canadians+love+Ottawa/5781090/story.html) , or [ "Why is Ottawa ugly?" ](http://www.ottawacitizen.com/entertainment/Ottawa+ugly/5810593/story.html) , or my favourite, [ the tourist who called Ottawa tawdry ](http://ottawastart.com/tourist-calls-ottawa-tawdry-threatens-to-never-come-back/) . And then we'd spend the next week arguing that Ottawa isn't all that bad, actually. ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with [ OC Transpo ](http://ottawastart.com/octranspo.php) . ** Most of us [ hate OC Transpo ](https://twitter.com/ihateoctranspo) (although [ one guy loves it ](http://www.iheartoctranspo.com/) ). No need to re-hash all the issues here, [ but you might like this sketch and story of the singing bus driver ](http://ottawastart.com/the-singing-oc-transpo-driver-a-sketch-story-by-lia-hiltz/) . ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with [ construction ](http://ottawastart.com/driving.php) . ** In particular, the [ Epic Replacement of the Carling Avenue Bridge ](http://ottawastart.com/epic-carling-bridge-replacement-the-movie/) . ** ** ** Ottawa was obsessed with [ The Mayor ](http://www.jimwatsonottawa.ca/) . ** Does he really write [ all his own Tweets ](https://twitter.com/jimwatsonottawa) ? (Mostly, yes.) How does he attend so many events? (He was [ cloned ](http://ottawastart.com/how-much-taxpayer-money-was-spent-cloning-jim-watson/) .) And how can I get him to attend my next party? ( [ Just ask him. ](http://ottawastart.com/awesome-ottawa-when-the-mayor-drops-by-for-your-canada-day-bbq/) ) ** ** ** Ottawa was also obsessed with, to a lesser degree: ** [ Mike Fisher getting traded ](http://ottawastart.com/rejected-mike-fisher-headlines/) , [ a certain yellow and blue ](https://twitter.com/#!/ottawastart/status/96949172527312896) meatball-and-furniture-selling store, [ Stephen Harper hanging out with Katy Perry ](http://ottawastart.com/awesome-ottawa-the-prime-minister-hangs-out-with-katy-perry-and-a-purple-cat-at-scotiabank-place/) , [ yoga pants ](https://twitter.com/#!/ottawastart/status/141726957665652737) , observing the [ fancy hats of people observing the royals ](http://ottawastart.com/photo-ladies-waiting-to-see-the-royals/) , making snarky comments about [ the Lady Gaga show ](http://ottawastart.com/some-fun-tweets-from-tonights-lady-gaga-show-ottgaga/) , and secretly not feeling too bad for Barrhaven when they had that [ waterban thing ](http://ottawastart.com/why-theres-a-water-ban-in-barrhaven-riverside-south-and-manotick/) . ** ** Have a great 2012. ** ** ** ** ** See also: ** [ Ottawa New Year's Eve Guide ](http://ottawastart.com/newyears.php) If you liked this post, please consider [ subscribing ](http://ottawastart.com/subscribe.php) to our blog via email, Twitter, Facebook or RSS. 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