/ #health #movies 

Volunteers needed for a Bollywood video shoot in Ottawa

Here’s a note from Jason Tetro , who blogs over at " The Germ Guy Blog: Confessions of a Mercurial Microbiologist “.

 Over the next few days in Ottawa, you may see a different side to our wonderful city.


 You may see saris sailing…

 You may see tunics twirling…

 You may see bindis bouncing…

 But you will definitely see hand sanitizer squirting...


 Why? Because #TeamHygiene is going global with the message that
  “clean hands can save lives.”


 On May 5
 , the World Health Organization celebrates
  SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands
 , an annual campaign designed to help spread the word of the importance of clean hands and overall hygiene.  Last year, I founded #handhygiene, a global social media home for all information dealing with clean hands.  Over the year, it has grown significantly and now includes contributions from local and international bodies.  In response to this phenomenon, I’ve joined with number of my #handhygiene partners and created
 , a group devoted to making everyone aware of how they can stay healthy and live well.


 This weekend will mark the making of the first of numerous #TeamHygiene campaigns that we hope will entertain, educate and more importantly stick in the minds of a worldwide audience. And what better way to start than to feature one of the most popular entertainment genres and, more importantly, Ottawa’s own Bollywood dance troupe,
  Bollywood For Fun


  You can get involved too.
 On Saturday, April 30
 , we’ll be filming one scene that we hope will involve the public to show their support for #TeamHygiene and the fact that we Ottawans can make even the most mundane act seem thoroughly enjoyable and fun (and parliament isn’t even in session!)


 If you want to come out to watch or even be on the video itself, head over to my blog at:
 and leave a comment or
  Tweet me
 and let me know you’re interested.


** See also: ** Ottawa Health Guide