/ #elgin street #Ottawa Courthouse 

Ottawa Courthouse implements new security infrastructure on August 31

The Ottawa Courthouse, located at 161 Elgin Street, has a new security infrastructure in place as part of provincial security standards and the changes will take effect on Monday, August 31, 2015.

Enhancements to security infrastructure are mandated by the Province to improve safety for everyone who uses the Courthouse. The Ottawa Police Service is responsible for court security. These features will bring Ottawa Courthouse in line with other Ontario jurisdictions.

Employees and visitors to the Courthouse will notice that several changes have taken effect: *       There is one single entrance to the Courthouse and it is located on Elgin Street; *       X-ray machines and Magnometers have been installed; and *       Members of the public will be screened prior to entering the Courthouse.

The screening process will include items being carried in such as a handbag, briefcase and backpack.

A number of items are prohibited, including knives and objects with sharp edges or point, flammable items, firearms and ammunition, and other items including alcohol.  Visitors should review the list of prohibited objects< [ http://www.




Eng.pdf ](http://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/about-us/resources/LIST_Courthouse_Prohibited_Items-August_2015-Eng.pdf)

before attending Courthouse.

For more information, you can visit the Ministry of Attorney General< [ http://www.


english/default.asp ](http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/default.asp)
